One of my biggest passions is to create together with other artist and creatives. Sometimes that can happen via direct collaboration....
...Sometimes it takes the form of other artist using the assets and resources I put out for free, exactly for this kind of scenario...
...And other times it happens via my creative commons releases, or the many fellow creatives I have met and connected with in that space...
...No matter what medium, material or artform, I just love the idea that some of what I create might fit into another artists vision...
...Or inspire them the same way, that others do that for me via their, art, samples, or other projects...
...When ever I get an email from someone asking for a collaboration, or tagging me in something they made, with a part of something I made in it, it totally makes my day...
...And puts a big smile on my face, and a truckload of gratitude in my heart. And I deeply value the friendships that formed along the way. I can't think of much that is better, and I hope some of what I will still create is going to empower, inspire, and spark ideas in a massive crowd of creatives all over the world.